Protestors slam ‘social vandalism’ claiming Putney development plans would ‘increase pollution and block sunlight’
A group of concerned Putney residents are protesting against proposals for a vast new development that would dominate the high
A group of concerned Putney residents are protesting against proposals for a vast new development that would dominate the high
A house rented out for £40,000 a year was found to be unliveable and ‘a genuine danger’ by Lambeth Council
London is continuously struggling with issues of gentrification, affordable housing, sky rocketing property price growth and ambitious development projects, such
A woman who illegally sublet a council flat has been prosecuted under a new law against ‘unlawful profit order’ and
A record £490million is being invested by Lambeth Council to improve housing after taking back the reigns of housing services
Summary: The Build-it programme will help 1,500 young people. Image: By Kojo Amofa Young people disengaged from education and employment
Summary: Lambeth Save our Services are opposing the plans. Image: By Aicha Zaa Frustrated protestors are campaigning outside The Old
Summary: The Queen’s Speech included new laws to curb immigration. Image: By SWLondoner staff New legislation stopping migrants from qualifying
Summary: The borough will be badly affected by the new policy. Image: By David Horsfall Lambeth social housing tenants will