David Cameron’s ‘affordable’ housing plans slammed as ‘too little too late’ by Mitcham and Morden MP
David Cameron’s housing plans to build 200,000 ‘affordable homes’ have been attacked by Mitcham and Morden MP Siobhain McDonagh. Cameron
David Cameron’s housing plans to build 200,000 ‘affordable homes’ have been attacked by Mitcham and Morden MP Siobhain McDonagh. Cameron
Social housing could almost completely disappear in Kensington and Chelsea as the Conservatives extend their controversial right to buy scheme,
A Putney woman’s question about the ‘chronic lack of social housing and extortionate rents charged by some private sector landlords’
A severe blow was dealt to the campaign to Save Cressingham Gardens estate homes from demolition as senior councillors from
Battersea Power Station’s redevelopment has been slammed as a ‘colossal waste’ by Green Party housing spokesperson, Tom Chance. The £8billion
A street art protest has hit the walls of Brixton, ahead of Saturday’s Reclaim Brixton march against further gentrification of
Broody couples hoping to hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet are being forced to delay having a family as rising
You’ll need anything between £42,726 to £158,180 to buy enough space to swing a cat in London, according to a
Rents in London are soaring and show no signs of stopping – the average monthly rent in the city is
Kingston families are being brought in from the cold by a £300,000 scheme to renovate ‘hard to heat’ homes. Ed
Lavish penthouses in Shepherds Bush are being offered to teachers in a bid to tackle the housing crisis by Hammersmith