Treehouse of horror: Unscrupulous Clapham landlord rents ‘appalling and dangerous’ house with TREE growing through it
A house rented out for £40,000 a year was found to be unliveable and ‘a genuine danger’ by Lambeth Council
A house rented out for £40,000 a year was found to be unliveable and ‘a genuine danger’ by Lambeth Council
A woman who illegally sublet a council flat has been prosecuted under a new law against ‘unlawful profit order’ and
A record £490million is being invested by Lambeth Council to improve housing after taking back the reigns of housing services
Emotions ran high as angry Londoners took part in a ‘Twitter storm’ against Lambeth Council on Thursday, asking them: “Why
The London Southbank skatepark will live on as the UK’s ‘home of skateboarding’ after Boris Johnson and Lambeth Council quashed
A Brixton street will take part in an award-winning council initiative designed to help spruce up their Lambeth neighbourhood this
By Bethany Whymark London has a well-publicised shortage of building space. But two entrepreneurs, armed with plenty of creative vision,
Clapham showed what true community spirit can achieve on Thursday night as local businesses, artists and councillors came together for
Summary: The event was held on April 10. Image: By Hubert MacGreevy The Latin American community in Lambeth was given
Summary: The show celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Image: By Rachel Jenkins Lambeth’s popular country show has scooped the
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was among the mourners at a memorial service for the late Lambeth Mayor Mark Bennett