Conservative mayoral hopeful cautions Sadiq Khan not to rely on ‘bus driver son narrative’
Surbiton’s Syed Kamall, MEP and Conservative candidate for London mayor, has cautioned Sadiq Khan in relying on working class credentials
Surbiton’s Syed Kamall, MEP and Conservative candidate for London mayor, has cautioned Sadiq Khan in relying on working class credentials
Richmond MP Zac Goldsmith has warned Sadiq Khan MP that campaigning on the basis of class and backgrounds won’t work.
A Putney woman’s question about the ‘chronic lack of social housing and extortionate rents charged by some private sector landlords’
The two contenders likely to battle it out for the race to City Hall have said that London’s 25,000 black
Tooting residents have overwhelmingly welcomed the news that their MP, Sadiq Khan, is to be Labour’s nominee for next year’s
A riot-themed incense called Lavender Hill Mob has been slammed on Twitter by Battersea’s MP and community groups as being
Jeremy Corbyn has the opportunity to shrug off the party’s neoliberal image and become a ‘genuine alternative’ for voters at
Chuka Umunna has thrown his weight behind Tessa Jowell citing her as the ‘only Labour contender who can beat any Tory’
A south west London Labour supporter has expressed his disbelief at being barred from voting in the leadership contest, as
Tooting MP and Labour London-mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan would beat Richmond Park’s Conservative mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith in the race
A severe blow was dealt to the campaign to Save Cressingham Gardens estate homes from demolition as senior councillors from