Young Londoners may have to save for 14 years to buy a home
The average 22-29-year-old living in London will need to save for nearly 14 years before they can put down a
The average 22-29-year-old living in London will need to save for nearly 14 years before they can put down a
Labour-controlled Southwark Council faces a motion of no confidence tonight after being accused of serious failings in its management of
One child per London classroom is homeless, new analysis from a group of London councils revealed today.
As rent escalates to upwards of £1,000 for just one room, tenants face the challenge of dealing with unstable roommates
The Battersea Green Party and Reform candidates attended an assembly with Battersea local residents to talk about issues the community
South West London is bearing the brunt of the burden of escalating rental costs in the city, according to new
Police in England disproportionately use the Vagrancy Act to arrest Black people for being homeless, a housing campaign organisation has
The London mayor has announced plans to convert large numbers of private housing into council homes before the next decade.
Figures showing that almost one in 15 residences in London are on AirBnB have raised questions about whether the service
Wandsworth Council has put forward a plan which would ensure that half of all new homes built in the borough
The familiar buzz of your phone wakes you, stops you mid-chew, has you jumping out of the shower with shampoo