WATCH: Landlords and tenants divided on new bill which could save pets from rehoming
A bill debated in parliament last month will give tenants the right to request a pet. The Renters’ Rights Bill
A bill debated in parliament last month will give tenants the right to request a pet. The Renters’ Rights Bill
A group of activists who occupied an old and unused police station in Camberwell throughout July to protest the new
Ending the ‘Everyone In’ scheme as the eviction ban and furlough finish may lead to a severe spike in homelessness,
A man is in a critical condition after being shot by police following a seven-hour siege in Brixton yesterday. The incident
A disabled Clapham woman facing imminent eviction from her home fears the stress could cause her to have a stroke. Trace Newton-Ingham, 56, has lived
Londoners fear asking rogue landlords to fix a property problem in case they become victims of revenge evictions, according to
Summary: Campaigners demonstrated outside Lambeth Town Hall last week Image: By Chelsea Moore Protestors campaigned outside a Lambeth Council meeting
Summary: Maritza Tschepp is one of a number of tenants set to lose their home Image: By SWLondoner staff Campaigners
Summary: Charmain Lodge was set to be evicted today. Image: By SWLondoner staff The controversial eviction of a Lambeth resident
Summary: The union states some have to choose between debt and starvation. Image: By Douglas Patient Lambeth bedroom tax victims
Summary: Eyewitnesses said Mr Kick refused to stop the attack. Image: By SWLondoner staff A Roehampton man has been banned