
ACE: The inside story

You have to see it to be it, as the saying goes.

Well, when you look at professional cricket in England and Wales, what do you see? Mostly, privately educated white players.

Despite the vast number of British-Asians interested in the game at a youth level, that isn’t reciprocated at an elite level. And, for the Black community, the numbers tell the story. You can count on as many hands as you need to play the game just how many Black British professional cricketers competed in England and Wales’ premier domestic competition in 2021.


This has to change. Why? Because cricket clubs should mirror their surrounding areas and the people within. Cricket can be a sanctuary for some, entertainment for others, and even an escape. But also, for the talented ones, a career. Every child should be able to see a path for them in the game of professional cricket, and at the moment, I’m not sure they can.

In a small office on the fourth floor at the Oval in Kennington, the ACE programme is hoping to ensure they can.

To read the full piece, click here.

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