Are you looking for something “spooky” this Halloween weekend?
Well, how about something outright creepy, ready to grip you with such a chilling vice-like grip that you’d think hell itself were pulling you down?
This is what the Clapham Grand is offering this Sunday – with a live show of the world-notorious Battersea Poltergeist podcast, starting at 7.30pm, mere yards from where the true story originated.
Leading paranormal investigators Evelyn Hollow and Ciaran O’Keefe, who were guests on the podcast, will join host Danny Robins in what the Grand describes as a “thrilling blend of drama and documentary.”
The show will delve deeper into the paranormal cold case, bringing the investigation to life on stage while featuring brand new, exclusive witnesses discovered after and not featured in the podcast.
The show’s creator, Danny Robins, told South West Londoner earlier this year: “It’s an intriguing study of a spectral bully who essentially arrives one day and takes up residence and doesn’t leave for 12 years.
“It’s a chilling and unsettling tale that feels more sceptic-proof than a lot of other cases.”
The real life house, at 63 Wycliffe Road, was knocked down in the late 1960s, although new-build houses again sit on this spot.
It is less than 1,400 metres from the theatre.
The Battersea Poltergeist podcast follows the Hitchings family, in particular 15-year-old Shirley who one night discovers a key on her bed that no family member has ever seen and no lock matched.
From that point onwards strange happenings follow Shirley, from flying objects to unexplainable noises and written communications from what seems to be a poltergeist.
The family, and soon after the press, wrack their heads trying to explain the phenomena and uncover the identity of the ghost, nicknamed “Donald”.

Usually a sceptic, Danny Robins told South West Londoner: “On my last podcast series Haunted, I was able to reach some sort of conclusive answers, and that made me feel less scared of the idea of ghosts.
“But as I’ve dived into the deep water of this case, I find myself less able to reach those easy conclusions.
“Fear is this fascinating primeval thing. It’s intensely powerful.”
If you want a truly haunting Halloween, you can buy tickets for the Battersea Poltergeist: Live! here.
Featured image credit: Seabright Productions.