
The growing influence of AI among the British public

Awareness and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly increased among the British public, new data reveals.

Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows that 14% of those surveyed are regular users of AI, with a significant age-related disparity: 30% of those aged 16 to 29 use AI compared to 14% of those aged 30 to 49. 

This reflects a broader trend of younger individuals embracing AI technologies more readily.

The research also delved into how individuals choose to use AI and identified the most prevalent usages among different age groups.

Gianni Thomas, a 24-year-old UX/UI graphic designer and frequent AI user, said: “The predictive and analytical capabilities of AI tools help me identify trends and preferences, which I then use to create design elements and layouts that are appealing and user-friendly.

“AI is a vital tool in my work, both as a Designer and a Copywriter as it enhances my efficiency, improves the quality of my work, and ultimately helps me create designs and content that are effective and engaging.”

The most prevalent usage of AI among all surveyed was in their homes, in forms such as AI assistants (Alexa/Siri) and thermostats, with 39% of participants using AI in these ways.

This is also the most popular usage among individuals aged 30 and over.

For those aged 16 to 29, the highest usage of AI is in work or education, particularly through chatbots (ex: ChatGPT) for researching topics or writing documents.

For individuals aged 70 and over, the highest usage is in finances, such as banking customer service chatbots and spending trackers.

The use of AI in relationships (e.g., assistant chatbots in dating apps or for companionship) is the least utilized area among all age groups.

The three areas people across all age groups most wanted to learn more about concerning AI were recognizing AI, AI regulation, and how to judge the accuracy of the information generated.

While 16 to 29-year-olds wanted to know more about regulation and accuracy, their third area of interest was AI ethics and responsible usage.

The highest area of interest for people aged 16 to 49 is how AI is regulated, while for those aged 50 and over, the highest interest lies in learning how to recognize AI.

Thomas said: “I’m interested in delving deeper into how AI can be further integrated into the design process, particularly in user experience design and interactive prototyping.

“I’m curious about future AI advancements and their potential impact on my work as a designer.”

He explained AI helps him save time and resources by testing his designs and providing feedback using AI.

In May 2023, 72% of adults could provide at least a partial explanation of AI, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN).

This is a notable rise from the 56% reported in the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation’s Public Attitudes to Data and AI Tracker Survey (PADAI) conducted in June to July of 2022.

As people are growing more curious about AI, LinkedIn Learning currently has 191 courses teaching the foundations of AI by industry experts.

Image credit to Igor Omilaev used under Unsplash license

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