
London Fire Brigade’s largest convoy sent to Ukraine “is the support Ukraine needs”

The London Fire Brigade (LFB) received support from Ukrainian charities after sending their largest convoy to date filled with fire safety supplies for Ukrainian firefighters.

The April 23 convoy was filled with 30 fire and rescue vehicles, two mechanics’ vehicles and an HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicles) carrying over 2,800 items of surplus equipment.

A total of 27 Brigade staff from the LFB have volunteered to drive the vehicles as well as firefighters and Fire Aid staff from across the UK.

The LFB has received praise from Bournemouth based Ukrainian charity Ukrainian Relief, a charity that began in 2021 that sends numerous convoys filled with supplies across the Ukrainian-Polish border.

Founder and CEO of Ukrainian Relief, Karol Swiacki said: “I am very impressed with the work of the London Fire Brigade, it makes me so happy.

“It is so important now to keep fighting and supporting Ukraine. It’s not only about what we do with money or aid, but how we show them that as their friend the Western people will stand by them and make a difference.

“50% of the success in Ukraine is to have the support from Europe standing behind them as support, and this is the support that Ukraine needs. When I have gone to speak to the Ukrainian people they say that aside from donations, the fact that we are going there to support them is what makes them fight.”

Ukrainian Relief regularly sends trucks of supplies over to Ukraine that include ambulances, hospital supplies, water purification tablets for those on the front lines and much more.

Swiacki said: “The more we can cooperate together and show that we can help, the more people are believing in supporting our cause.

“If we do not stand by them and support them, then I have no doubt that Ukraine will fall.”

Swiacki explained that donations for Ukrainian Relief are now 20% of what they were in 2021.

In a US United Nations conference in January 2024 Swiacki was told that there are currently 51 conflicts in the world, including the war in Gaza.

Swiacki said: “The people are tired, they don’t want to see Ukraine in the media all the time, that’s what they say.

“So unfortunately it is left to us to maintain this support for Ukraine.”

A former Brigade staff member and current Fire Aid Chair, David O’Neill MBE said: “I’m so pleased that the UK fire sector is once again coming together to support firefighters in Ukraine.

“This is our seventh convoy of equipment since the full-scale war broke out and tragically, we’re seeing firefighters being targeted more and more. Just recently three firefighters were killed during an air strike along with an entire fire station and all its equipment.

“The impact that our donations are already having in Ukraine is clear, but it provides more than physical protection for firefighters; it shows they are not alone and gives them hope and courage to continue risking their own lives to save others.”

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