Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable and Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn both said Theresa May was right to resign today.
Vince Cable is MP for Twickenham and served as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government from 2010-2015.
He was elected leader of the Liberal Democrats Party in 2017.
Mr Cable said: “Sadly her compromises through the last three years have too often been with the right-wing of her own party, rather than about bringing the country together.
“Conservative Party interest has always trumped national interest, and yet Conservative MPs continue to demand an ever more extreme Brexit policy.”
Mr Corbyn said: “The Prime Minister is right to have resigned. She has now accepted what the country has known for months: she cannot govern, and nor can her divided and disintegrating party.
“The burning injustices she promised to tackle three years ago are even starker today.
“The Conservative Party has utterly failed the country over Brexit and is unable to improve people’s lives or deal with their most pressing needs.”
Mr Cable demanded that Brexit put to the people in yet another referendum.
He said: “I believe the public would now choose to Stop Brexit, and stop the immeasurable damage the process has done to the United Kingdom”.
Mr Corbyn however called for a General Election, saying: “The last thing the country needs is weeks of more Conservative infighting followed by yet another unelected Prime Minister.”
Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the Labour Party, and serves the Islington North constituency.
Featured image credit Chris McAndrew, with thanks.