Food & Drink
Food waste

WATCH: Investigation into food waste prevention and what you can do with surplus food

London is a significant contributor to food waste, with 67% of the food Londoners throw away still edible, according to Eat Like A Londoner.

On a national scale, the UK wastes almost ten million tonnes of food annually according to The Felix Project.

Ben Logue, food sourcing manager at City Harvest London said: “There are some really alarming stats out there at the moment.

“The one that keeps ringing in my head is the fact that there is more food banks than McDonald’s branches in the UK.

“And one third of food in the UK is currently not being used.”

Watch the video below for interviews with Logue, Runnymede food bank manager Jenny Wardill, and Sophie Trueman, Director at TooGoodToGo about how food waste can be prevented as well as what you can do with surplus food.

Picture credit: Free to use from Pixabay

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