
Croydon man’s new book aims to encourage young entrepreneurs


Free copies of Allan Okoh’s book have been donated to Croydon Central Library to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship this week.


By Rachel Stevenson

A Croydon man is giving away 10 free copies of his new book to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship this week.

Allan Okoh, Purley Way, the author of ‘Failure is not an Option: 10 Secrets of Successful Entrepeneurs’, hopes to encourage youngsters who want to set up their own businesses. 

The 24-year-old has given 10 copies of his book to Croydon Central Library.

Those who would like a free copy can go to level three of the library to collect one. 

Anyone who receives a book will then be entitled to individual coaching on entrepreneur behaviour with Mr Okoh, based on the book.

The former Archbishop Lanfranc School pupil said he set up the initiative to boost reading amongst young people and encourage enterprise.

“A lot of people who want to set up a business don’t know how to. I want to provide support for them through reading and coaching.

“I want to help young people fulfil their potential,” he added. 

Marvin Igbins, 22, Wallington, received coaching from Mr Okoh on how to develop his online retail merchandising company,, which was launched in April this year.

Mr Igbins said: “He really helped me to focus and to set realistic goals and strategies.

“His book was insightful and was a great first step towards setting up my business.”

Mr Okoh, a qualified life coach, is also available to deliver free talks and seminars to organisations.

The book is available to buy at or leading bookstores for only £6.99.

For any further information please contact Mr Okoh on 07878929945 or at [email protected]

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