To mark the 70th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention 1951, #TogetherWithRefugees – a coalition of refugee organisations – brought together refugees from each of the seven decades to recreate the iconic photo of the signing.
But this time, instead of a legal document being signed, it was an orange heart, a symbol of support for refugees.
Photo 2: Refugees from 7 decades mark the 70th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention. Photo credit: Gary Moyes
The refugees who took part on the event have fled a range of different conflicts, including the Hungarian uprising, Idi Amin’s regime in Uganda and war in Syria.
According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 24.6 million refugees fled their homes in 2020, and around 1 million children were born into refugee life between 2018-2020.
SWL spoke to Ibrahim Dogus, 41, from Lambeth about his experience coming to the UK as a refugee from Turkey in the early 1990s.
Read the full piece to find out more about Ibrahim’s story, the work of refugee organisations and support available for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK: