
London schools may be overcrowded by 2015


Liberal Democrat calls for government to expand on one form entry primary schools.


By Scott McWhinney

London may not have enough space in schools for every child by 2015.

A study conducted by London Councils showed that education was underfunded by £310 million in the year 2010/11.

With an extra 100,000 pupils expected to be in London schools by 2014 alternatives such as increasing class room size are no longer viable.

Richmond Council have attributed this increase to ‘significantly increased birth rates, more parents opting for the state sector and increased housing in the borough’.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Malcolm Eady has stated that government need to expand about 2 to 3 new one form entry primary schools per year.

This would cost between 12 and 18 million pounds – however since the election the council have received no capital for primary school expansions.

Councillor Eady urges people to lobby their MP for additional funds and Lambeth Council supply sample on their website.

Jessica Rainey, 37, has two young children but was not aware of the potential shortage.

“I wouldn’t like to think that by the time my ones are ready to go to school they wouldn’t have a place.

“The government really need to step up. Education is one thing you just expect your children will be able to get.”

In their report London Councils suggest how to alleviate the problem: “Future capital allocations for basic needs funding should reflect both relativiaties in the likely shortage of school places and fairness in previous funding allocations.”

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