Wandsworth Council and housing association, Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) have joined forces to create a new supported housing scheme that will help the borough’s youth on their journey towards independent living.
The service in Bolingbroke Grove, Wandsworth, opened to residents on 8th December and will be home to 18–25-year-olds who need additional support.
The service will provide 24-hour support for seven residents, who will each have a support plan tailored to their individual needs.
Residents will include recent care leavers and those living away from home for the first time, providing them with the opportunity to develop vital life skills which will help them to live more independent lives.
Cllr Graeme Henderson, Cabinet Member for Health, Wandsworth Borough Council said: “Supporting young people to achieve their full potential in life is a top priority for Wandsworth Council, so I am extremely pleased that we are working in a partnership with Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing to produce this excellent facility at Bolingbroke Grove.
“This is a unique centre that combines high quality accommodation alongside tailored care and support for some of Wandsworth’s most vulnerable youngsters and comes at a time when there is a high demand for such help.”
The cost of living crisis has impacted many, with a survey of 18 to 24-year-olds for Prince’s Trust finding two-thirds had lowered their career expectations, with the cost of living, the state of the UK economy and their own mental health named as the biggest factors.
The UK Economy has been in a difficult place with inflation, which remains higher than it was in 2021, although it has lowered since this time last year.
This initiative should help young people in the borough who may be struggling by providing integrated support, so that they are in a stable environment to achieve their goals.
Claire Wise, Head of Business Development for South London and the South at MTVH said: “MTVH are delighted to work with Wandsworth Council to develop new services for young people in the borough.
“Our new supported housing service in Wandsworth is a significant investment and demonstration of our commitment to helping young people achieve their full potential through integrated, person-centred support in a high-quality environment.
“The service is providing a vital steppingstone to help residents build happy, stable lives, and become active members of their local community.
“We look forward to strengthening our partnership with Wandsworth and continuing to support young people to build resilience and improve their life outcomes.”

Personal support workers taking a trauma-informed approach, will work with residents, recognising their lived experiences and helping them to better cope in the future with independent living.
While every resident will have their own room, the service offers spacious shared facilities, including a garden, to encourage communal living to encourage residents to participate in activities and provide an environment for them to meet others and make friends.