Justine Greening has been re-elected in Putney with an 8.4% increase in the vote.
The seat, which had 67% turnout, saw the Secretary of State for International Development win 23,018 votes, Labour’s Sheila Boswell won 12,838 votes and Andy Hallett from the Liberal Democrats got 2,717 votes.
Chris Poole (Green) 2,067, Patricia Ward, 1,989 (UKIP) and Guy Dessoy of the Animal Welfare Party scooped just 184 votes.
The Conservatives held with a majority of 10,180.
In her acceptance speech, Justine Greening spoke of her hopes for the development of environmental and social initiatives in Putney.

“In 2005 when I was first elected it was with a very small majority so I’m truly humbled to have been returned with 53 percent of the votes of local people this evening.
“For me being an MP is about serving my community and it’s about serving my country, it’s about working hard on the things that matter to local people and taking our communities priorities and making them mine.
“It’s about getting things done and reaching across all parts our our community.
“That means I’m going to keep working hard on getting better transport, protecting our quality of life, making sure Regeneration Roehampton brings the jobs and the facilities people in that part of my constituency need.
“It also means that I’ll work hard on the policies that matter to me as national priorties on equality of opportunity, on social mobility, on making sure we have a levelled up Britain where everyone can achieve their potential wherever they start, wherever they’re born.”
“For me, growing up in Rotherham in the 1980’s going to my local comprehensive school, being the first person in my family to go to university it was the chance of a better life and getting the opportunity to drive me on to achieve what I’ve done.
“I believe that we need to support our young people in jobs, starting their careers, apprenticeships and having access to University to be able to achieve the same things that so many generations have done before them.”
Labour candidate Sheila Boswell thanked her campaign team in her concession speech for their efforts in her cause.
“Most of all I would like to thank my amazing team in Putney, you’ve been absolutely fantastic and you’ve worked your socks off for every Labour vote, so thank you,” she said.
“Remember that thousands of people in Putney did vote Labour today and they voted not in fear and hate, they voted in hope and love.”