Lambeth Council has raised over £45,000 for young people in the borough in an attempt to tackle the digital divide.
The council started the fundraiser earlier this year after a survey revealed that 8,500 children in Lambeth did not have adequate access to devices or Wi-Fi in the first lockdown.
On 26th April 2021, the council announced that it had successfully raised £45,730 with 577 supporters in 55 days.
Lambeth Council strongly believes that the end of lockdown and the return to school will not end the digital divide and said it will continue to create inequality for the young people in the borough.

A spokesperson for the council said: “Lambeth Council is keenly aware of the digital divide among young people and how the gap has widened during the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of schools.
“It is crucial that all young people in the borough have equal access to online learning so they can realise their potential and have the skills to thrive in the digital world.
“Ensuring there is a level playing field for young people of all background is vital, which is why Lambeth Council committed £200,000 to the Lambeth Digital Inclusion Fund last year.
“The council also contributed a further £200,000 to our own school inclusion fund and recently published a Lambeth Digital Strategy with £17million investment in becoming a more digital borough.
“The council also contributed a further £200,000 to our own school inclusion fund and recently published a Lambeth Digital Strategy with £17 million investment in becoming a more digital borough.
“We are expecting some final donations to come through which will make over £100,000 available to support young people in Lambeth with access to digital.
“Lambeth Council would like to thank all donors, large or small, who have contributed to ensuring young people in Lambeth have the tools to realise their potential.”
The Lambeth Digital Inclusion Fund was created last autumn and allowed schools and Voluntary and Community Sector support groups to apply for grants.
The money raised will be matched by Impact on Urban Health, a group based in south west London which strives for equality in urban areas with a particular focus on health.
Applications to the fund will open this month and schools and Voluntary and Community Sector groups will be able to apply.