An Illustration of The Solar System in Order of Proximity to the Sun

How to see the planets in a rare formation across London

Multiple planets will be visible from the sky for the next few days across London and the UK.

They are in a rare formation called a conjunction, where their orbits align and they can all be seen at once, which will not occur again until 2040.

London is due for clear skies in the oncoming nights, creating the perfect conditions to look at this planetary event.

Dr Francisco Diego from the UCL Observatory at Mill Hill has encouraged people to watch out for Venus in particular.

Dr Diego said: “Venus is going to be a crescent shape because it will be backlit by the sun.

“Even with a powerful pair of binoculars you can see the face of Venus.”

Alongside Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be particularly bright this weekend and will be visible to the naked eye.

Mars appears orange-red in the sky, whilst Jupiter and Venus are bright and white.

Mercury and Saturn will be harder to see as they will lie close to the horizon, although with a good telescope and some luck they may be visible too.

A CRESCENT VENUS: The planet Venus will have a unique shape for the next two weeks. Picture Credit: Used with permission from Dr Francisco Diego and the UCL Observatory at Mill Hill
JUPITER ILLUMINATED. The sun makes Jupiter and 4 of its moons shine a bright light. Through the naked eye, Jupiter appears as a particularly large star. Picture Credit: Used with permission from Dr Francisco Diego and the UCL Observatory at Mill Hill
A REDDISH LIGHT: Mars appears large and brick red through a telescope. You can even see the polar ice cap at the top of the planet. Picture Credit: Used with permission from Dr Francisco Diego and the UCL Observatory at Mill Hill

The UCL Observatory at Mill Hill is open for fortnightly public visits, where their 19th century telescope is free to use under the supervision of professionals.

Hampstead Heath, Primrose Hill and Alexandra Palace also provide fantastic views of the night sky in North London.

Robert Massey from the Royal Astronomical Society has encouraged people to go out at night and look at the planets.

He emphasised taking precautions when going out in the dark.

Massey said: “It is good to go with a companion if you are going to a secluded spot, and wrap up well because it is still cold at this time of year.”

South east London boasts many impressive views of the night sky, none better than the views from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.

The observatory, which is open to the public throughout the year, is home to telescopes which provide amazing views of London’s night sky. 

The Flamsteed Astronomy Society has monthly stargazing sessions at Blackheath.

These events are open to the public, and take place near to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.

Mike Meynell, a member of the society, encouraged anyone interested in the planets to join them at Blackheath.

He said: “We generally have a good 10 or 12 telescopes available for people to look through. It is a fun event that we try to keep pretty light-hearted.”

South Londoners hoping to see the planet Venus should avoid going to Crystal Palace, as it does not have a good view of the western horizon. However, Jupiter and Mars will still be visible from there.

This Saturday, The Flamsteed Astronomy Society is hosting an observing event at Blackheath Common.

Onlookers can expect great views of the planet Venus, as well as Mars and Jupiter. 

The following link contains details of an upcoming meetup with the society.

For those who wish to stay at home, you can still see Jupiter and Mars from the street or the comfort of your garden.

For information about other stargazing events in London and across the rest of the UK, follow the link below:

Featured Picture Credit: Radoslav Ivan via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 4.0 licence

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