Trans and non binary performers stand in front of the trans flag colours of Trans Day of Visibility at the Oval Tavern in Croydon

Trans Day of Visibility celebration in Croydon provides safe space as hate crimes rise

In the last year, trans hate crimes have risen by 11% in the UK.

Politicians have been highly criticised for the toxic language used against this community.

The Oval Tavern in Croydon hosted a drag show called ‘Their Majesties’ as a celebration of the queer and trans community.

This Trans Day of Visibility featured all trans and non-binary performers.

These included Asifa Lahore, Shepherd’s Bush, Joey Blaylock, Alex Evley, Minara Èl Waters, Sabiyha, Merlin The Grey, and Kars Dodds.

We spoke to drag queens Asifa Lahore and Shepherd’s Bush, founders of Their Majesties, on why this day is still so important.

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