tutor tutoring a child

Hiring a private tutor: everything you need to know

Before hiring a private tutor, one must do extensive research and consider all the information found on the internet.

To ease up the process of hiring a teacher, we have created a list of topics that cover the essential points involved in such an important decision.

How much should you budget?

Private tutelage is often expensive and “per hour” fees may rise higher than anticipated.

It’s vital to clarify the charges and the amount your family can afford for private tutoring.

You can start with a discussion of what a private teacher’s time should cost to determine how much to pay.

Is the teacher amiable?

Many times, students who are having difficulty with a certain subject are afraid of the teacher who is teaching it.

According to experts, one of the main causes of kids falling behind is their intense fear of their harsh teacher.

Find a private teacher who can interact with your child in a kind manner.

The teacher should be able to establish a trusting, cordial, and open relationship with them. 

Can the instructor make the subject matter interesting and pleasant to learn?

It is crucial to look for certified experts with qualifications in in-person teaching.

Ask for recommendations and transcript records to evaluate a tutor’s academic background and teaching experience before hiring them.

You’ll want to find out if the tutor was successful in assisting other children, so speak to other parents who have used that tutor before.

Additionally, enquire about the instructor’s teaching style and course outline. It’s a warning sign if you have even the slightest doubt about what they tell you.

Last but not least, be very explicit about your unique needs and if there are any learning impairments.

You need to know if the teacher is qualified to meet the student’s needs because these factors may affect how a tutoring session is done.

What are the tutor’s teaching methods and plans?

According to professionals at TutorExtra, private tutors should hold a meeting to introduce themselves and go over their teaching strategies with parents and students.

In order to create a studying plan that would provide solutions for your child’s success, the approach and process must be able to “diagnose” your child’s strengths and shortcomings.

How will the tutor inform you about your child’s development?

Reinforcing what is being done with the instructor at home is crucial.

It’s important to understand the techniques and tools they are employing as well as the progress they are making.

As a result, a private teacher should deliver reports and an assessment every month.

Can the tutor work with a student who has a different learning style than their own?

Your youngster might develop the mindset that they are capable of learning anything thanks to the help of an excellent private instructor.

This implies that they ought to be able to educate the material however the young student needs to study it.

Make sure the coach is aware of different learning types and has techniques for teaching them all.

Will the instructor only focus on helping with homework or will they also work on other skills?

Make sure the instructor you pick won’t overwhelm your child, who is already struggling with too much work.

Instead, try to find someone who knows that organising and prioritising are crucial components of finishing assignments.

How has your youngster been responding to the tutor thus far?

Your youngster must participate actively in the session. Give them a say in the matter and a choice.

Even better, let your youngster use their voice to effectively “rate” their coach while they work with them. Feedback should always matter.

Let’s face it: there are instances when personalities clash or different learners’ and teachers’ styles don’t exactly mesh.

All of us are human. Ask the school to have a discussion and come up with a solution if your child alleges that either of those things are going on with their teacher.

A private teacher can be required if the issue cannot be resolved at the school level.

It would be essential in this situation to work with a tutoring platform, such as UK tutors, rather than just one private teacher.

Your child will have the opportunity to learn languages, such as English, and French, but also receive help with Maths, Physics, GCSE, music, elementary school disciplines or advanced explanations for a university degree thanks to the flexibility of choice provided by the platform’s wide selection of UK instructors.


In conclusion, look for a kind, experienced teacher and don’t accept anything less.

When you’ve located the ideal coach, speak with them directly about your child’s worries, both academic and otherwise.

Your instructor is a member of the community because it takes a community to raise a child.

Together, you can support your child in developing a positive relationship with learning that will last a lifetime and help them as an adult.

Featured image credit: AsteroidComet via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 4.0 licence

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