
I got fired from my 9-5 and now earn £500k a year online

A Londoner has revealed how he went from a £22,000 annual salary to earn £50,000 a month online.

James Dean, a 25 year old from south west London, was let go from his workplace in early 2020 as the covid-19 pandemic began, making it near impossible for him to find a new job.

Many suffered struggles caused by the pandemic, but not everyone can say they went from jobless to being in the top 0.2% of earners in the country.

James describes what to most would seem like the start of very troubling times as the best thing that has ever happened to him.

He said: “The pandemic pushed me to go on a search for a way to make money online, and that search proved very successful when I stumbled upon affiliate marketing.”

He now runs an online casino affiliate website called, letting him earn more money in a month online than he used to get in a year.

James said: “I knew nothing about websites or marketing at that time, so I used a platform called Betting.Partners which made it easy to setup my website and casino partnerships.”

James recommends affiliate marketing as a method of making money online and has kindly provided a few words of advice for those interested in getting involved.

Key pointers for anyone looking to start an online casino affiliate website

  • Get yourself a professional website (Betting.Partners highly recommended)
  • Choose up to 10 casinos to heavily promote for the first few months
  • Use free methods like social media to cost effectively build your user base
  • Once making money, keep re-investing back into SEO / advertising

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