A present on a table

Choosing the perfect birthday present for your foster child

When it comes to choosing presents, there are a number of factors to take into account, such as the age of the child, what they possess, and how long they have been placed with you.

You may not have all the answers to your questions, for example, have they been moved around a lot, and what their interests are, if you are still a stranger to them.

The more you know about your foster child, the easier it is to choose an appropriate present.

Despite this, some gifts are just perfect for any child, such as the ones listed below.

A suitcase or backpack containing other items

Foster children placed with you may arrive on your doorstep having nothing more than a bin bag of assorted clothing and basic toiletries.

Having a suitcase or backpack for their worldly goods will boost their self-confidence and make them feel special.

Tell your foster child that they will need it to pack for their holiday with you.

Why not fill the backpack or suitcase with additional gifts and clothes such as providing new underwear, socks, and t-shirts.

When fostering, you will receive an allowance to cover food, extra toiletries, etc.

Gift cards

What makes a gift card an awesome gift is that it offers the child choice. This allows them to feel that they have some control of their lives.

When a foster child gets something new, it is still usually chosen by an adult without considering their preferences.

The child may also have had to share toys with other children and not have had any of their own.

Purse or wallet

A purse or wallet implies a place to store something of value, which makes it an ideal accompaniment to a gift card, which can be given placed inside.

If you know the child’s interests, you can choose a superhero design or a wallet in their favourite colour.

If you don’t, simply go for an item that is quality and looks it.


Tickets to a show, amusement park, or movie are great for older foster children.

It gives them something to look forward to and is a great way of spending time together.

Feeling normal

Whatever gift you give your foster child, one thing you want to achieve is for them to feel normal and no different from children living with their biological parents.

If you have your own children living at home, apply the same standards.

If you buy your own child something when they need it, don’t give this to your foster child as a gift for their birthday. Get them something unique and special.

When you buy spontaneous gifts, get the same or equivalent for all the children.

The colours can vary, but the value and beauty of the gifts should be identical. Don’t create a gap for comparisons.

Part of gift-giving is making the receiver feel special.

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