The sea

London local ditches her 9-5 and takes to the sea

This ex-London resident gets paid to see the world after she left her day job to pursue a passion for yachting.

Liberty Nogueira, 33, ditched her 9-5 in London to work as a Bosun on a super yacht, six years on and she’s still hooked.

Nogueira was living the London life, working hard, enjoying the city but ultimately felt lonely at times and longed for a more adventurous lifestyle.

She said: “Before, I enjoyed my job, I had all my friends in London but I don’t think I was truly happy and although London is a great place and a really cool city to live in, at times, I was quite lonely.”

A friend of Nogueira’s was a chef on a yacht and got her hooked on the idea of travelling and while making money at the same time. 

Nogueira said: “I wanted to go travelling and earn money, so I thought, I’m going to escape London and do it for a year, and I’ve been doing it for six years now.”

Six years on and the once London local has circumnavigated the globe more than once and has become yachting influencer.

Last year, Nogueira was in America and Asia but maintains that her visit to Antarctica was the best opportunity so far.

She said: “It was absolutely beyond amazing, just things like seeing your first iceberg is mind blowing, the wildlife is incredible, we saw orcas for the first time in real life.

I’d never been anywhere that was so quiet, I’d start my work shift at 5 am and was the only one up on the boat, and it’s just the best way to start the day.”

Norgueria explains that getting to work with people from all walks of life has been equally rewarding, one of her coworkers eventually became her husband.

“I thought, I’m going to do this thing completely for myself. I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend but then I met my now husband.” She said.

Nogueira advises anyone who is contemplating leaving Lonodn for a new experience, to take the plunge.

“You can always come back to your life back in London, It will very much be the same when you come back. 

I’d say, just go for it, it’s an amazing way to see the world, earn money and set yourself up for a few years.” Nogueira said.

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