Tis Pitty Shee’s a Whore Rehearsal Photo Credit: R Figaro

Tis Pitty Shee’s a Whore will appear at Twickenham’s Mary Wallace Theatre

A production of Tis Pitty Shee’s a Whore will appear at Twickenham’s Mary Wallace Theatre from the 19th to the 26th April.

This John Ford high-Jacobean revenge tragedy was written in 1623 and features siblings, Giovanni and Annabella’s forbidden love which lead to tragic consequences.

This rarely performed masterpiece displays tragedy through illustrations of incest, murder, adultery, and betrayal and this production is conducted by the Richmond Shakespeare Society (RSS).

The actor who plays Giovanni, Will Hunter, said: “It’s a big, bloody, quite literally, satisfying revenge tragedy that’s raw and meaty.”

Director Rodney Figaro added: “It’s a tremendous play, it’s very exciting and has some wonderful verse and some wonderful characters.”

It has been 27 years since the RSS performed this play and so Figaro believed it was time for a revival.

He said: “It’s time for something a bit meatier than a light comedy and this is certainly meaty.”

The play has similarities with Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, due to the character’s pain from loving someone you shouldn’t.

Hunter said: “Giovanni loves Annabella because she’s a reflection of him.”

This Jacobean play displays themes free speech and medical care for women.

The actress who plays Annabella, Emma Gridley said: “It’s such a privilege to play such unhinged things because it’s so far removed from anything I have experience of.

“It’s cracking fun, but it reminds you what we have now, what privilege we have.”

Guidance is advised as the play explores adult themes and includes depictions of violence as well as exhibiting 17th century attitudes which might be unacceptable today.

The RSS has experience with approaching serious subjects sensibly and making sure that anyone who is sensitive to the subject is aware of it.

Due to the play’s difficult nature, Gridley and Hunter have sat together and unpicked how their characters would feel so they can showcase this in their performance.

Credit: R Figaro

The RSS charity was founded in 1934 by former dancer and actress Gladys’s Erickson and productions are held at the Mary Wallace Theatre which was opened by King Charles in May 1981.

With a capacity of 84 seats, and many of their previous shows like While The Sun Shines being sold out, ticket pricing starts at £16.

The RSS regularly hold open auditions with actors of a variety of level and skills but for this play, auditions began on February 9.

The auditions include actors performing scenes in front of the chairman, stage management team and visitors from the Twickenham community.

Hunter liked auditioning in front of an audience, which differs from other companies he has worked with, as he believes that even if he didn’t get cast, then at least his work has seen an audience.

Both Gridley and Hunter have previously performed with the RSS and are excited to perform with them again due to the community feeling and the reconnection with old friends.

Gridley said: “It’s not only incredibly well-organised, it’s a properly oiled machine.

“Because the RSS is such a good standard, there’s a lot to aspire to, but the fact that everyone is so kind, and not pretentious, it’s not cliquey.

“It’s nice to watch people being taken under wings left, right and centre.”

Rehearsals occur three nights a week and on Sunday afternoons but Gridley expressed that it doesn’t feel like a chore.

Figaro enjoys the rehearsals and said: “As you go along directing, you discover new things about the play and new ways of doing things, and that’s always very exciting.”

The RSS perform two Shakespeare plays a year but the rest of year is open to any type of play.

With opportunities for everyone, the RSS contains the Young Actors Company which is taught by a professional actor and director with the aim to improve confidence and build on performance skills.

Within the theatre, there’s state-of-the-art lighting and sound control technology, along with an induction loop for hearing-aid users.

There are volunteer vacancies for in lighting and sound, stage management, costume making, set designers, and acting.

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