Ceilidh dancing in big hall with wooden arches, red cutains and chandeliers.

WATCH: Burns Night celebrations 2025

The National Poet of Scotland Robert Burns’ (1759-1796) birthday was the 25th of January and Burns Night is still celebrated across Scotland and around the world.

In London, there were many events taking place this weekend with ceilidhs, dinners, poetry readings and parties across the city.

Founder of the London Ceilidh Club, Ed McCabe said: “It is about having a good time, having a laugh, and bringing people together.”

He has been running the club since 1998 and organised six events across the Burns weekend this year.

McCabe speaks about the celebration of Burns Night and his love of ceilidhs.

On the anniversary of Burns’ birth, McCabe recommended dipping into his poems, saying that they continue to be relevant and cover a huge range of topics.

He recommended one of Burns’ famous love poems My Love is Like a Red Red Rose.

He said: “The amazing thing about Burns is his versatility.

“He had an amazing vocabulary both in Scots and in English, he used them magnificently to capture these emotions and these things of our life that are present now as well.

“What politician doesn’t need to be taken down a peg or two, I think these oligarchs and tech billionaires could do a lot worse than to read A Man’s a Man for A’ That.”

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