By Rebecca Cook
March 29 2020, 12.00
Follow @SW_Londoner
Cycling in Richmond Park has been banned by The Royal Parks until further notice.
The suspension started yesterday and follows tighter governmental lockdown measures.
NHS staff and children under 12 can continue to cycle in the park and cycling is still permitted in the other Royal Parks, where the congestion at park gates is not as severe.
The Royal Parks said in a tweet: “Our reduced staff can’t safely manage the volume of cyclists using the park for their daily exercise while keeping everyone a safe 2m+ apart.”
A sign posted on the Bushy Park gates by The Royal Parks said: “No group gatherings” and “Stay at least 2 metres apart at all times.”
It continued: “If you do not adhere to these guidelines we will have no choice but to close the parks.”
In response to the warning Hampton resident Frank Hope said: “Not all of us have gardens. Some of us need the park for our physical and mental health.”
Richmond, Bushy and Greenwich parks were temporarily closed last weekend after crowds descended on the green spaces, ignoring social distancing guidance.
A Royal Parks spokesperson said: “Many parks are closing across the UK because people aren’t following the government’s guidelines and people are gathering in groups of more than two.
“We really want to keep our eight parks open across London as they are such important green spaces for those that can reach them safely for daily exercise and to walk in nature.”
The Royal Parks has appealed to people visiting the parks to comply with social distancing guidelines, asking for no group picnics, no sitting on a bench next to someone outside your household and recommending dogs are kept on leads.