
Octogenarian author hosts successful book launch in Marble Arch

The publisher behind 88-year-old author’s Tessa Levy’s debut novel  ‘No One But You’ hailed the large turnout at the book’s launch at The Arch London Hotel on May 24.

The novel was released by Filament Publishing and is a semi-fictionalised version of the author’s life.

The book follows a story of a young woman called Tessa who leaves war-torn east end of London for a two-years-long adventure in America that changes her life and dictates the course of her future.

The owner of Filament Publishing Chris Day said: “It was great to see such a large attendance at her book launch event and especially to sell out of books on the night.

“It’s a very rare happening,” he added.

The Arch London hotel is located moments away from the writer’s Hyde Park apartment and is a place where Mrs Levy, 88, spent many working hours together with her daughter and the co-writer of the book, Shelley Cassidy, during the process of writing the novel.

“It was an exceptional evening and an amazing collaboration for mum and I – learning about her life in a way that I never knew,” said Ms Cassidy.

Mr Day said: “It makes me wonder how many more great stories for people in their prime, are just waiting to be told.

“As Tessa has proven, it is never too late to start writing and to become a best-seller,” he added.

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