
Would Wandsworth elderly like to be beside the seaside? Council launches housing crisis strategy

A housing strategy which suggests shipping the elderly off to live by the seaside to free up social housing for young people has been proposed by Wandsworth Council.

The Seaside and Country Homes Scheme, which encourages over 60s to move to coastal properties, is one of many suggestions in the weighty document.

The strategy emphasises that it is becoming increasingly unaffordable to live in the borough, especially those on lower to middle incomes.

Council Leader Ravi Govindia said: “Through the Wandsworth Housing Offer we will help a broader range of people than ever before and will boost supply right across the local housing market.

“It amounts to a major expansion of our traditional local authority housing role and makes full use of new freedoms to manage our resources and take risks.”

If approved, the strategy would commit the council to building 18,000 homes over the next 10 years, an increase from its previous target of 11,000.

Seb Klier, Policy Manager at housing campaign group Generation Rent welcomed the strategy.

He said: “The colossal rents in Wandsworth are causing an exodus of young people who grew up in the area, young professionals and public sector workers, and that is a disaster for the borough.

“We welcome Wandsworth Council’s housing strategy which recognises the scale of the problem and the need for homes that ordinary Londoners can afford.

“The test is whether the council can get the detail right and match its ambition with the urgency needed to build those 18,000 homes.”

Picture courtesy of Images of Money, with thanks

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