
Nation goes nuts for Nutella as chocolate spread celebrated today

Chocoholics everywhere rejoice! Today is the eighth annual World Nutella Day, a day to honour the small but beloved jar of hazelnutty joy.

A week after it emerged that a French couple were barred from naming their daughter after the treat, eventually settling for Ella, lovers of the chocolate spread will raise a spoon to celebrate in a – hopefully – less bizarre fashion.

Whether your tub is an ever-present feature of your day or you are the shy, reclusive midnight Nutella lover – today sees a celebration that will spread chocolatey cheer to all fanatics.

This is a call to arms for those who usually cannot be bothered to do more than just pick up a spoon and chomp away at their favourite spread straight from the jar.

Come up with a fresh recipe, make a sculpture or a sacrifice, write some Nutella based poetry, take a selfie with your favourite conserve or best of all, have a Nutella eating contest!

Once your Nutell-art is complete, get involved in the worldwide appreciation day across social media using #nutelladay and turn that guilty feeling of over-indulgence into pride and celebration.

Or take a look at SW Londoner’s very own haiku:

My love for Nutella goes further than bread

It awakens me and sends me to bed

Nutella, my love, you’ve left me for dead

Featured picture courtesy of esimpraim, with thanks

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