The sale raised money for the cancer charity.
As baking becomes increasingly part of British pop-culture, the nation’s culinary-enthusiasts have had another chance to dust off their piping bags for the Macmillan Cancer Support’s ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ in Merton.
The Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event, as volunteers across the UK – and sometimes further afield – hold coffee mornings, and donate the proceeds to Macmillan.
Last year 115,000 people signed up to the coffee morning, and raised a total of £15 million, a record for the event.
Along with many other volunteers across London, Merton residents have been baking hard in preparation for the morning.
Staff and Friends of the New Wimbledon Theatre set out a magnificent spread in the foyer of the theatre for the day, with the opportunity for coffee and chatter upstairs.
Although it is the first time the theatre has hosted a Macmillan coffee morning, the cake-stall was very popular with passers-by.
Faith Wilkinson, a Front of House assistant at the theatre, said that the stall had been busy all morning.
“Judging by the weight of the collection boxes it’s going well!” she said.
Another local institution that rustled up some treats for the morning is alternative provisions school, Face Youth, for children aged 11-16 with Emotional, Behavioural, Social Difficulties (EBSD).
The school provides a place of education for children that are unable to cope with a mainstream school environment. The school offers core curriculum teaching, with a focus on helping students to manage their behaviour.
The Assistant Manager of the school, Jenny Antoniou, said the Macmillan fundraising morning is an excellent means of teaching the children about charity, and about what they can to do contribute to charity’s in their area.
The children spent the morning making and decorating cakes, and hearing about Macmillan Cancer Support and the work it does in the Merton area.
“They’ve absolutely loved it,” said Ms Antoniou, “and we’ve made more than we thought we would.”
As a borough full of enthusiastic volunteers, Merton has definitely done its part for Macmillan, and will be looking forward to making next year even bigger and better.
To find out more about Macmillan Cancer Support’s coffee morning, and how you can get involved for next year, visit the charity’s webpage at
Photo courtsey of amanda28192, with thanks.
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