The D.I.Y warehouse held an event where staff and customers made donations over the weekend.
B&Q New Malden dressed-up for BBC Children in Need, over the annual charity weekend.
With businesses and individuals rallying in charitable events, the D.I.Y warehouse held a mufti-weekend where staff contributed £2 per day to wear their own clothes.
Customers also made donations over the fundraising weekend that started on Friday 18th and ran until Sunday 20th.
The store raised £405.24 for the charity this year and thanked everyone that participated.
Lalita Balgobin, a customer, said: “It’s really nice that a big company made an effort for charity.
“All the staff really got into the spirit of the event.”
BBC Children in Need is the BBC’s UK corporate charity providing grants to projects in the UK that support disadvantaged children and young people.
This year fundraising has secured a new record, raising £26,332,334 with more being raised daily.
To make a donation visit