A photo of protesters outside the US embassy

Palestine encampment outside the US embassy set to stay with election looming

An encampment for Palestine has been outside the US embassy for seven weeks and plans to stay put until the US election next month.

South West London Action for Palestine peacefully protest to oppose US support of Israel.

Around 42,000 Palestinians have died in Gaza during Israel’s military response to the October 7th attack by Hamas, according to health authorities.

The attack last year in Israel killed around 1,200 Israelis.

Airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, an area smaller than a quarter of the size of Greater London, have destroyed infrastructure and caused a humanitarian crisis.

Israel has relied on imported weapons such as guided bombs and missiles for their military operation, of which the US is currently the largest supplier.

Between 2019 and 2023 69% of Israel’s arms imports were from the US.

South West London Action for Palestine  has 474 signatures on a petition calling for:

  • An immediate arms embargo against apartheid Israel
  • An immediate end to the occupation of Palestinian land 
  • The release of all Palestinian hostages
  • An immediate end to all military aggression against the people of Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Iran

Sumaya, one of the camp’s 50 guardians, told South West Londoner that the organisation “are not delusional”, and does not expect their protest to have geopolitical ramifications, or to alter the position of the US now or after the election.

However, the group does aim to increase awareness of the role that the US has played in Gaza, highlighted by the encampment’s proximity to the embassy and their messaging.

The local response to the encampment has been mostly positive, with residents providing supplies, such as chairs, blankets, and food.

A nearby resident has cooked hot meals for the camp every evening since its creation.

At the beginning of November, the encampment will finish, and group members will use the opportunity to “take stock and build up energy” following the election in the US.

The general feeling within the group is that the election result is unlikely to alter the US’s geopolitical approach in the Middle East, but there is some sense that a Trump victory may galvanise people to act for Palestine.

In a letter to the Israeli government, the US gave Israel 30 days to improve their humanitarian aid to Gaza or risk the loss of some military assistance.

The US stated that Israel had been ‘denying or impeding nearly 90% of humanitarian movements between northern and southern Gaza in September’ resulting in a depletion of essential supplies for the 400,000 Palestinians situated in the north.

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