A composite image with Keir Starmer on the left side and Rishi Sunak on the right side.

Here’s what you missed on the Sky News Leaders Debate

A leaders debate took place tonight between Prime Minister and of the Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak and Labour Party Keir Starmer leader on Sky News .

It was an unusual style of debate tonight in Grimsby, with each leader quizzed individually by both Beth Rigby and members of the audience.

Starmer was first up announcing he wanted to fight for the future of his party and that he had been sure they were going to lose the 2019 General Election.

Rigby brought up his history of perceived flip-flopping but he defended his changing priorities because of changing circumstances.

He said Labour would not increase income tax, stating: “I want to grow our economy, our manifesto is about wealth creation – not many Labour Leaders say that.”

The Labour leader also claimed that a government led by him would not scrap the two-child benefit cap.

He then got personal speaking about his potential future as Prime Minister.

He said: “The only fear that I have as Prime Minister is the safety for my family.

“I want to protect them and not impact their lives too much.”

Starmer said Labour want to create 100,000 more places for childcare.

When asked about the divisive issues of doctors strikes he expressed a desire to settle the disputes.

However he was also bullish that the British public would not respect a government who would take a 35% proposition, and that negotiations would be vital.

When an audience member asked about the plan remove the VAT loophole on private schools, the Labour leader focused on the need to resolve issues currently facing state schools.

He said: “We don’t have enough teachers to fill places in the most important subjects.

“It will become a lifelong problem because if they don’t get the skills at 15 or 16, they won’t be able to do what they want with their lives.

“We will introduce the VAT in order to fund 6,500 teachers in our state schools.”

On the subject of the countries dental health, he criticised the current state of affairs and expressed a desire to incentivise newly qualified dentists to work for the NHS.

Current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was next, and began by apologising about leaving D-Day commemorations early.

He claims his goals were to bring inflation but that things are not easy.

Sunak then clarified on one of his key policies, the Rwanda Scheme saying: “The first flight will be on the 24th of July.

“This is about establishing a deterrent.

“This is how to stop the boats and that is what Rwanda is about.”

The Prime Minister also stated the Conservatives will bring a migration cap to be voted on in Parliament.

When asked about issues with young people getting mortgages, Sunak said the Conservatives plan to abolish stamp duty up to £425,000 and introduce a right to buy with a 5% deposit.

When an audience member asked about systemic racism in the Met police he responded: “Misogyny, racism is unacceptable in society and especially in the police.

“A small minority were acting in a way that is unrecognisable.

“The Met needs to be focused in policing and making sure to focus on violence and dealing with the violence particularly with women and girls.”

On the controversial policy to introduce National Service, Sunak said young people would not receive criminal record for refusing.

He also claimed the policy had been receiving good feedback.

He said: “National Service will be exciting for my children.

“Parents are very excited it will happen for our kids.”

There will be another debate on ITV tomorrow on Thursday, June 13 at 8.30pm between senior representatives or leaders of seven of the major parties.

You can check out more of the general election coverage here.

Credit: Andrew Parsons and Chatham House

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