
Sorry Mariah! One in 10 Brits want festive smash hit banned

Mariah Carey may be the Queen of Christmas but over 1 in 10 Brits want her smash hit ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ banned.

The iconic festive jingle is one of the most played songs throughout December, so much so that the 54-year-old singer-songwriter is thought to rake in between $2.5-3 million in royalties each year, but new research says that 12% can’t bear it.

In fact, it turns out that Christmas music isn’t a top hit when it comes to getting in the holiday spirit at all.

According to a new national research study of 2000 adults by Greene King, seeing family over the festive period has been voted the best thing about Christmas (28%), followed by decorations and hitting the pub.

When it comes to festive traditions we could do without, almost one in five (20%) would vote to ban Christmas jumpers (18%) with a further 13% voting to ditch the tradition of Secret Santa.

Other traditions the nation is tired of include singing Christmas carols (7%) and Christmas-themed music (6%).

Throughout December, Brits visit the pub an average of four times to catch up with pals and enjoy the merry festivities, while over a third of the nation (35%) feel that the classic pub is the perfect place for Christmas celebrations.

Almost a quarter (24%) view the pub as the most important place for the local community at Christmas.

With this in mind, and to keep Brits in the festive spirit, Greene King has launched a Christmas giveaway, with a grand prize of a £3,000 TUI holiday voucher and £2,000 in cash on offer.

To win, all they must do is share what it is that gets them in the festive spirit on their website.

Greene King’s Andrew Gallagher said: “As a nation we’re big on tradition, and it’s fantastic to see that despite the ongoing pressures, Brits still place the pub at the heart of the community.”

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